Monday, March 29, 2010

Hey frugal foodies, recipes requested

I just stumbled upon an article headlined Eating Well on $50 a Week. Even though the story is over a year old, it's understandably one of the most read on the Maclean's website. I imagine a lot of people wish they could shrink their grocery bills (though I don't know how many would like to do it by dining on sardines and navy beans).

I for one love the feeling you get when the Safeway cashier enters your Club Card number and you watch all the discounts dropping off your bill. And then the numbers stop spinning and the cashier says, "You saved $23.18 today." It's kind of mesmerizing and rewarding, like playing a VLT.

Some months our food budget bobs perilously close to our mortgage payments. Not because we're foodies - on the contrary, our recipe repertoire is limited to about ten dishes....most of which involve chicken or fish. I had planned to ease us into vegetarianism, starting with Meatless Mondays, but I keep forgetting. If you've got recipes for fortifying dinners for two that cost less than $7.14 and don't involve pre-soaking legumes, please send them my way!


  1. One of my favourite quick/easy, hearty, and meat-free meals is Chickpea & Bread soup (made with chicken or veggie stock instead of the beef stock). No pre-soaking of the beans required. A batch will last you two meals at under 7.14 per meal for sure. Try it for your next meatless Monday!

  2. Thanks for the idea...I will give it a try!
